Career counseling image

Let’s talk about you and your career!

Career counseling goes way back in our history. “Career”, as the etymology dictionary describes it, comes from the Vulgar Latin word “carrus” which means “road”. Nowadays our career is our professional road. It has not only beautiful side views, but also its bumps and crazy jams. You meet new people and face new challenges every day. But, there are times when you get to difficult crossroads and you have to choose your way forward. We are here to guide and support you in those moments.

Curious to find out more about career counseling and some insights about the process?

Career counseling is about rediscovering yourself and organizing your career wishes so that you can make the best professional decisions.

During our sessions we will talk about your career in the context of your life. We will discuss not only about success stories and happy moments, but also about fears and struggles that influence your work. In a relaxing and fun environment you will enjoy taking tests, drawing, playing with cards as well as taking a break and doing some nice introspective exercises.

Close your eyes.

It’s a Wednesday morning, 10 years from now.

You wake up. What is is your room like? What do you do first? Are there people around you?

You leave your house and go to work. What does your office look like?  Who are the people around you? Are you an employee there or do you own the company?

You leave the office. Where do you go next? To the gym, to a movie, lunch, home?

You’re in your bed. How was your day?

Open your eyes.

How do you feel?

That’s what your life could like be in 10 years’ time.

What will you do tomorrow morning? 🙂

A more in depth approach

In our 5 to 7 one-on-one sessions, we will customize the steps of the counseling flow according to your needs and career goals:

  • we will discuss your values, skills, and beliefs, and find out more about who you are;
  • we will create or review your CV/resume and LinkedIn profile; it will be your turn to wear the Recruiter hat ;).
  • we will talk about networking and how to efficiently use your support network;
  • we will help you to have a look at the job market and find suitable options for you;
  • we will talk about your professional decisions and help you build an action plan so that you can achieve your goals;
  • (…and there will be a nice surprise waiting for you before we wish you “Good Luck!”)

If you feel that we can help your career, contact us. We are here for you.